WizYo Sytes Net Tech Support
What a great place to share :) Here you will find flashes of brilliance caught for all the world to enjoy. .. Actually, these are brief articles describing how I fixed a problem. Every day, I find information online that helps me solve a mystery. So this is me giving back to the community. Thanks for stopping by.. and don't forget to tell your friends!

Still using Windows Update ?

Internet Explorer 6 crashes after you install security update 942615 on a computer that is running Windows XP Service Pack 2



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Friday, December 28, 2007
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HyperTerminal missing ? Install Fix !

Surprisingly, the install command for HyperTerminal is significantly difficult to find online. I've copied it from the following article as a quick reference for anyone else searching for this info:

How to reinstall Hyper Terminal on Windows XP

Click "Start" .. "Run" .. and then paste in one of these commands before clicking "OK" ..

RUNDLL32 ADVPACK.DLL,LaunchINFSection %windir%\INF\communic.inf,Hypertrm

RUNDLL32 ADVPACK.DLL,LaunchINFSection %windir%\INF\communic.inf,HypertrmUninstall



( hypertrm hypertrm.exe HyperTerminal WinXP Windows XP Professional Pro Home )

Monday, December 10, 2007
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Dell hard drive recovery

One Dell XPS/Dimension 200/5150C has been reloaded several times since it's purchase. An identical unit purchased at the same time has had no trouble at all.

The latest round has been for data recovery after the unit locks up and then will not boot at all.

clipped from my service ticket...
Hook up on workbench and boot to BartPE CD. Hard drive isn't recognized properly. Reseat SATA cable and power to hard drive. Try booting again, but CD doesn't see drive. Try booting normally, but system crashes. Download Sata drivers to floppy from Dell's website. Boot using drivers on diskette, but system takes a long time to come up. System still fails to run chkdsk and R-Studio on drive. Try Dell hard drive diagnostics, but they don't appear to run completely. Boot to PowerMax utility and receive error code dd69937b after read scan fails. Try recovering data using Windows XP CD with Service Pack 2. Boot to Ubuntu live CD, but receive errors. Download and create "Ultimate Boot CD" but all utilities fail to read drive. Pick up SATA adapter and return PC. Pull hard drive and hook up to another PC using SATA adapter. Drive fails to access, but does display a drive letter. Successfully kick off "chkdsk /f" and allow to run. Successfully access documents! Copy "My Documents" folder and Outlook data from problem hard drive to network server. Replace drive in PC and it boots to desktop without any trouble. Reboot to Dell diagnostic CD and hard drive scan reports numerous errors.



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Tuesday, December 04, 2007
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