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Windows XP open file Annoyance

I've been seeing this on a few systems, but it hasn't been an issue until it cropped up on only one workstation out of 30.

When trying to access a program located over a Windows network, the following annoyance appears so the user has to click an extra time:

Open File - Security Warning The publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you want to run this software? Name: Publisher: Unknown Publisher Type: Application From:

The fix is to disable the Automatically detect intranet network selection if it is available after opening up Internet Properties, Security tab, click Intranet, and then click Sites.

Automatically detect intranet network



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Wednesday, June 04, 2008
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Can't access server share with Domain User account

Windows XP Pro workstation would not access Windows 2000 server shares. I think the error mentioned "invalid username" even though both systems are on a Windows domain and the user in question is a domain user. All other network connections to other servers appear fine.

Turns out, the workstation had somehow saved a different password specifically for this server's connection. Removed it by going through Control Panel, User Accounts, Advanced, and Manage Passwords.

Here are some sample images of this bizarre area:



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