What a great place to share :) Here you will find flashes of brilliance caught for all the world to enjoy. .. Actually, these are brief articles describing how I fixed a problem. Every day, I find information online that helps me solve a mystery. So this is me giving back to the community. Thanks for stopping by.. and don't forget to tell your friends!
Windows XP open file Annoyance
I've been seeing this on a few systems, but it hasn't been an issue until it cropped up on only one workstation out of 30.
When trying to access a program located over a Windows network, the following annoyance appears so the user has to click an extra time:
The fix is to disable the Automatically detect intranet network selection if it is available after opening up Internet Properties , Security tab, click Intranet , and then click Sites .
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Wednesday, June 04, 2008
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Can't access server share with Domain User account
Windows XP Pro workstation would not access Windows 2000 server shares. I think the error mentioned "invalid username" even though both systems are on a Windows domain and the user in question is a domain user. All other network connections to other servers appear fine.
Turns out, the workstation had somehow saved a different password specifically for this server's connection. Removed it by going through Control Panel , User Accounts , Advanced , and Manage Passwords .
Here are some sample images of this bizarre area:
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