What a great place to share :) Here you will find flashes of brilliance caught for all the world to enjoy. .. Actually, these are brief articles describing how I fixed a problem. Every day, I find information online that helps me solve a mystery. So this is me giving back to the community. Thanks for stopping by.. and don't forget to tell your friends!
Windows Server 2003 backup to tape
The backup wizard did a pretty good job, but when it failed to run the tape, I made the modifications below: (sorry for the formatting .. raw cut and paste for convenience)
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntbackup.exe backup "@C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\data\Daily Backup.bks" /um /n "Daily Backup" /d "Daily Backup" /v:yes /r:no /rs:no /hc:on /m normal /j "Daily Backup" /l:s /p "8mm AIT"
not so good:
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntbackup.exe backup "@C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\data\Daily Backup.bks" /n "Daily Backup" /d "Daily Backup" /v:yes /r:no /rs:no /hc:on /m daily /j "Daily Backup" /l:s /p "SAIT"
( Win2K3 )
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
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Pure Sweet - Beverage Sugar - Extra Fine Granulated
We picked up this sugar at Big Lots the other day. I was so impressed, my wife went back to get more and ended up getting the last three 4-pound bags that were left. Now, I have all this sugar and I'm telling you how great it is in my coffee :)
At first, I thought the stuff was strange being powdery and not normal granules like other sugar. Turns out, it is not only better in coffee and tea, but is made for beverages~! I didn't know this until looking for a picture to go along with this article, but only the below information could be located.
Manufacturer: Domino Foods, Inc.
Brand: Pure Sweet
Name: Beverage Sugar
Description: Extra Fine Granulated 4 Lb
UPC code: 4817846300
Quick Dissolving
From The Makers Of Domino Sugar
Pure Sugar & Dextrose, A Natural Sugar
Ingredients: Sugar And Dextrose.
Lemon Sparkle Recipe, Fruit Medley Punch Recipe, Pineapple Lime Fizz Recipe
Pure Sweet, The Quick Dissolving Beverage Sugar, Is An Ideal Combination Of Pure Sugar And Dextrose, A Natural Sugar Found In Fruits And Vegetables. Use Pure Sweet In The Same Amounts You Would Use Pure Sugar For Beverages And Baking.
The recipies listed are in full on the back of the bag. I just like the way it goes with my coffee :)
( )
Monday, August 29, 2005
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HP OfficeJet R40 loses configuration
Windows XP Professional must not like the Hewlett-Packard OfficeJet R40 on it's parallel port. A day after setting up this printer/scanner, I had to manually change it from trying to use the
DOT4 port and point it to LPT1 for printing. Even though printing and scanning were just fine when I first set it up. Now the silly thing is trying to access the scanner in a similar way. After becoming frustrated looking for
LPTENUM information, I decided to just reinstall the devices.
Power off the HP R40
Open Device Manager and remove these three items:
Power on the HP R40
Open Device Manager
Right click the computer name at the very top
Click Scan for new hardware
Hopefully, everything will work again until WinXP gets restless.
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
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Adware launching Media Player
Adware.QoolAid got it's little hooks into a WinXP system and launched Windows Media Player during startup. Media Player's program file was a little off: gbzpzwj.exe
A few other notable items:
ntud.exe - kept appearing in All Users' Startup
joqaab.exe - appeared in System32 repeatedly
Norman API-Hooking Helper had registry keys with permissions set to deny removal
for some reason, computer management fails to open. i got around it by opening MMC.EXE and then opening the item required.
this particular system has had other techs start cleaning it, but adware remained. no telling what all has been damaged during the infection/cleaning processes.
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Tuesday, August 23, 2005
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Frozen servers courtesy of APC and Sun !
Warn/Inform all customers you know who are running
APC's PowerChute Business Edition version 6 and some lower versions of 7 !
I fought with two servers for many hours while troubleshooting an issue that I now believe stemmed from these services failing:
APC's article and repair information
"Due to expiration of the Sun Java Runtime Environment certificate, versions 6.x of PowerChute Business Edition will cease to operate normally as of July 27, 2005. Failure to upgrade will result in PowerChute Business Edition no longer providing monitoring and graceful shutdown of your system."
I just resolved an issue using this information on a Windows 2003 server where the console login was hanging prior to displaying the desktop or icons. Beware!
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(1) comments
Mas90 - Crystal Reports "database in use" Printing Error
Scenario: Your company is "001" and Mas90 is on a share mapped to "U:" Only Purchase Order seems to be having trouble.
Go to U:\Mas90\PO001
Rename the following files:
Next, go to
Reinitialize Data Files under the
Repair menu. Answer
OK and then click
Manual . Type in the names of the above, renamed files. Tab through to take the defaults. Click
Proceed .
This saved me from having to reinstall Mas90 after removing it's system control file. This process would have been very time consuming to reinstall and register each module. Not to mention reinstalling any add-on packages afterwards. (which is what tech support recommended yesterday!)
You may want to consult the TSRG if your error pertains to a different module.
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Monday, August 15, 2005
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Inaccessible or incorrect ( USB ) boot device?
Recently installed IBM server running Windows 2000 server intermittently fails to boot.
Solution: unplug the USB hard drive used for backups!
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Friday, August 12, 2005
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Batch file for using NTbackup to CD
just a little something i had on my desktop.. apparently, two commands are commented out, but i believe this is an actual file i used November of 2004:
@echo off
echo go>1start.log
rem ntbackup backup c:\sharedata /m normal /j "My Job 1" /p "Travan" /n "Command Line Backup 1" /d "Command Line Functionality" /v:yes /r:no /l:s /rs:no /hc:on
C:\WINDOWS\system32\NTBACKUP.EXE backup c:\sharedata /um /v:yes /r:no /rs:no /hc:on /m normal /j "test backup" /l:s /p "Travan"
rem C:\WINDOWS\system32\NTBACKUP.EXE backup c:\sharedata /v:yes /r:no /rs:no /hc:on /m normal /j "Daily Backup" /l:s /p "Travan"
echo go>2stop.log
( Win2k WinXP Backup )
Sunday, August 07, 2005
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Windows repair on Citrix server may make matters worse
Citrix running on Windows 2000 Server. Having strange lockup issue with Internet Explorer. After running repair on IE, decide to run repair on Windows.
Big mistake !!
0x0000007B (0xEB81B84c, 0xC0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)
Last known good configuration is champion! I'm back working on the original issue .. possibly more to come ..
( 0x7b )
Thursday, August 04, 2005
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